[Locker Locations - 1st and 2nd Floor] Welcome to the on-line locker management system for Enver Creek Secondary. LOCKERS are optional and if you would like to have a locker this year, they will be available on the following dates dependent on grade : Grade 12: Tuesday, August 27 @ 10:00 am Grade 11: Wednesday, August 28 @ 10:00 am Grade 9 & 10: Thursday, August 29 @ 10:00 am Grade 8: Tuesday, September 3, during your TAG class (teachers will support) LOCKER AREAS: There are 2 floors at Enver Creek. To preview locker locations, please access the link for the first and second floors by clicking on the red text above. Most top lockers are even numbered and most bottom lockers are odd numbered. NOTE: The student accounts and passwords are as follows: To log in, you must enter your STUDENT # then you must enter your password. Your password is your birthday. The format of the password is YYYYMMDD, so if you were born Sept 19, 2004, your password would be '20040919'. Once a locker has been selected, it cannot be changed. |